miercuri, 20 octombrie 2010
Little big brother:)
Si ce te faci cand tu, ca un copil naiv ce erai, credeai ca il si poti lua cu tine la joaca...dar cand il vezi ca numai plange si maraie si face caca deja visele ti-s spulberate :)))
Si intr-un final, cand creste fratioru/surioara si cand ar fi posibil sa-l/s-o iei cu tine la joaca, brusc nu-ti mai trebuie ca simti ca te incurca...mai intervine si mama care se asteapta sa va jucati frumos impreuna ...dar evident tu mai bine imparti jucariile cu necunoscutii sau vecinii de pe strada decat sa il lasi pe ala micu sa iti atinga pretioasele jucarii :P
Sunt curioasa ce farse i-au facut altii fratelui/surorii mai mici....:-? Pentru ca eu simteam asa o bucurie cand imi reusea cate o prostie care il enerva sau il facea sa planga...ma facea sa par puternica, chiar daca mama urla si dadea vina pe mine :))
Ce imi vine acum in minte e faptul ca fratele meu mai mic (care acum e cu vreo 3 capete mai inalt ca mine) nu putea pronunta unele cuvinte corect, sau si mai amuzant, inventa substitute pentru cuvinte. Eu m-am legat de faptul ca pentru sare si zahar fratele meu avea acelasi cuvant: bunti!
Nu ma intrebati de unde pana unde, habar nu am, da eu zic ca bine ca ne-am prins cam ce vrea cand cere bunti:))
Eu, ca un mic devil ce eram, am profitat de asta, si cand copilu obsedat de dulce a cerut bunti, am vrut sa ii dau o lingurita pliiina de sare!!! mwuahahahahha!!! >:)
DAAAAAAAAR...in momentul ala a intrat mama pe usa si....primul impuls a fost sa inghit eu ce era in lingurtia :(( TZAPA, originala nu? :)) Ce sa fac, am baut 2 pahare de apa, m-am strambat de vreo 2 ori cand mama nu se uita si...gata! Frustrata toata ziua :)))
Eh ce sa faci, asa intamplari nasc amintirile de care radem acum, nu?
De ce scriu toate astea? Pentru ca peste vreo 2 saptamani fratiorul meu mai mic nu va mai fi asa de mic...adica va fi major:)
Si pentru ca sunt curioasa daca si voi ati jucat farse fratilor mai mici...Astept sa imi spuneti:P
O zi buna:)
miercuri, 13 octombrie 2010
Un fel de concluzie.../conclusions
Whenever we look back to see what we’ve done with our lives we realize that many choices were influenced by the persons around us. I, for sure, had a lot of people in my life that made me think about my options. I want to thank them all.
I just want to stop for a while to see what I learned this summer.
First of all, BEATRICE made me take into consideration spending my summer in USA. She is special to me (and she knows that, we have a background J) and she made the greatest thing ever convincing me it will be the best summer in my life. It was.
Besides, I like to try new things and I like to meet new people. But…I didn’t want to just meet people. I wanted to make friends ;)
And I did…damn, I met the most wonderful people ever!!!
First of all, living with almost 40 people is hard, but you know for sure that parties just start with no reason. Of course, there were problems with neighbors, managers, sponsors…but we can’t really have just perfect days.
I want to thank to Julia, because she was always by my side, Sammie for being so sweet all the time, Lidia for helping me get extra shifts at work in the beginning when I didn’t know anybody, Cagdas for being such a good manager (man u should do a career out of it), Sandy for making me feel like I have a better half in this world J, Bow for taking me to the pony ;), Baha for being so funny and making me laugh all the time…All of the people I met were nice and funny, but you gather around you the ones that can keep up with u ;)
And….of course, I want to thank you, my dear ROMANIANS, who kept me smiling all summer long…I am glad that we can meet all and just look behind at the beautiful memories…I’ll reserve for you a different article ;)
When I first started working, it felt strange and funny at the same time, because this is how u feel when you’re doing something for the first time. It wasn’t a hard work, especially because I liked it.
I felt weird when people were asking me how my home was, what’s different in Romania…J) I saw trough them a more mature public, at age of 16 working and I admired each one of them J
Thanks to Tarron, I have a new T –shirt right now, and I’m really proud of it :D. I met all kind of people in than waterpark, some of them pretty curious about me or my lifestyle J
So…Thank you Saige for making me feel comfortable, you are the most organized person I know J
Thank you Molly for being friendly and sweet :P
Thank you Brandy for letting me be your friend J
Thank u Chance for helping me that much, I will never forget u.
Thanks Caleb for listening to me all the time :D
And thanks Chris for making me laugh all the time J)
Thank u all for accepting me, it was a pleasure to work with you, wish you good luck and have fun, I hope I’ll be back to visit you someday :D
With friendly love,
Andreea :X